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Главная » 2012 » Март » 27 » Advanced Photo Tools IDRMyImage 2.0 (x86/x64)
Advanced Photo Tools IDRMyImage 2.0 (x86/x64)
Advanced Photo Tools IDRMyImage 2.0 (x86/x64)
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Название: Advanced Photo Tools IDRMyImage 2.0 (x86/x64)
Категория: Графика
Разработчик: www.adptools.com
Год выпуска: 2012
Размер файла: 7.99 Mb
Залито на: LetItBit.net | TurboBit.net | DepositFiles.com

О программе:
DRMyImage является простым в использовании приложением, которое может значительно улучшить динамический диапазон фотографии. Вам не нужно при этом захватывать много картинок с разным временем экспозиции. Алгоритм использует информацию, заложенную в темной / светлой части фотографии, которую человеческий глаз не в состоянии обнаружить.Приложение сохраняет реальный вид фото в отличие от других коммерческих приложений с использованием HDR-алгоритмов. Иногда бывает невозможно получить четкий снимок, некоторые части оказываются затемнены/засвечены или не освещены. Существует простое решение, которое позволяет устранить данные недостатки. Сделайте несколько снимков с разной экспозицией и соедините их вместе, используя IDRMyImage

IDRMyImage работает в нескольких режимах:
• Слияние фотографий снятых с различным временем выдержки экспозиции
• Создание ясного IDR из отдельной фотографии
• Создание темного IDR из отдельной фотографии
• Режим Разумного Контраста
• Снижение либо возрастание дневного света в отдельной фотографии

IDRMyImage is a cheap shareware application that is translated to: English, Czech, Spanish, German and Portuguese. Now the IDRMyImage is implemented as a plugin for Photoshop and as a standalone application with GUI as well.

It works in severa modes:
• Multi exposure image fusion
• Single image fusion Light
• Single image fusion Dark
• Smart Contrast
• Daylight fusion Up/Down

Multi exposure image fusion

Sometimes it is impossible to take a clear shot with no over-illuminated and under-illumimated areas. IDRMyImage is the solution to this problem.

Take several shots with different exposure times and fuse them together using IDRMyImage.

It is easy and fast with natural looking results and a dynamic range of tones. No artificial colors or structures are seen. In the application you can easily adjust several parameters of the fusion to get the best result.

From the technique it is obvious that the algorithm works best on nearly static scenes. Moreover we strongly recommend using a tripod while capturing source photos.

For the image fusion you don't need any information about how the source images were captured - no need for exposure times or other information.
From the world of science: HDR (High Dynamic Range) technique was originally developed in the 1930s and 1940s by Charles Wyckoff. Wyckoff's detailed pictures of nuclear explosions appeared on the cover of Life magazine in the mid 1940s. Scientists have published more than one hundred papers on the topic of HDR . The latest paper was published in 2010.
Single image fusionIDRMyImage can improve the dynamic range of a single photo. You don't need to capture many images with different exposure times. The algorithm uses the information hidden in the dark/light parts of your photo, that the human eye is unable to detect.

Our application preserves the real look of the photo unlike other commercial applications using HDR algorithms.

Source IDR Result

Image relight (Daylight Up/Down)SourceResult

If you capture an image where some parts are too dark or on the contrary over-illuminated, but the overall exposure is correct, it is time to use Daylight - Image relight. This function is able to highlight under-illuminated parts and darken over-illuminated parts, while preserving the real look.

These results cannot be achieved by histogram manipulation or contrast enhancement.

From the world of science: DaylightMyImage uses a very similar core algorithm as IDRMyImage. Moreover with the same algorithm we can easily manage multi-focus image fusion, i.e. we can fuse images with different focus planes into one image. This family of algorithms is based on so called "wavelets". The basic theory of wavelets was published by Mallat and Daubechies in the 90's. The wavelet theory is still vital and many papers continue to be published on this topic.

Smart contrast

This function in DaylightMyImage allows you to amplify or suppress shadows in the photo. Shadows in the photo are on different levels of detail (LOD) depending of the size of the object casting the shadow.

Manipulating lights and shadows you can change the image impression. You can remove the haze, make the image brighter, cleaner or sharper.

О файле:
Активация|рег код: licensе Key
Язык Интерфейса: Multilanguage(Ru)
Формат файла: rar
Платформа/ОС: Windows® XP/Vista/7


Категория: Программы | | Теги: бесплатно, mp3, x64, скачать, IDRMyImage, Tools, photo, Advanced, музыка, x86
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