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Главная » 2011 » Декабрь » 7 » N2Nets SmartIMF Manager
N2Nets SmartIMF Manager
N2Nets SmartIMF Manager

Exchange Intelligent Message Filter (IMF) предоставляет передовые серверные технологии фильтрации сообщений, направленных на борьбу с притоком нежелательной коммерческой электронной почты, также известной как спам.

При использовании в сочетании с Microsoft Office Outlook 2003/2007, программа помогает существенно уменьшить объем спама. SmartIMF Manager представляет собой инструмент, призванный помочь системным администраторам легко управлять содержимым получаемой почты на сервер. Администраторы могут просматривать, удалять и отправлять к получателям отфильтрованные сообщения. Кроме того, диспетчер может автоматически релизить сообщения, основанные на наборе правил, а также автоматически удалять сообщения по сроку давности.

SmartIMF Manager работает в фоновом режиме, который запускается в качестве службы Windows.

SmartIMF Manager is a tool designed to help system administrators easily manage Microsoft Exchange Intelligent Message Filter (IMF) archive folder contents. With the SmartIMF Manager, administrators can view, delete or forward to recipients filtered messages caught by the IMF. SmartIMF Manager also can automatically release messages based on a set of Whitelist rules as well as automatically deleting messages based on age. Administrators can also allow users to view and release email caught by the IMF as well as create a whitelist rule to prevent future emails from being caught.


SmartIMF Manager has been designed to provide easy access to common tasks in the day-to-day maintenance of the IMF archive folder. With the SmartIMF Manager you can:
- View messages archived by the IMF as spam in either raw format or in Outlook Express (or Windows mail in Vista). Sort the view by date/time, From:, To:, Subject:, Size of message or SCL (spam) rating. Search and/or Filter messages by From:, To: and Subject:.
- Delete single or multiple messages; or by pre-defined filters of 'All', 'All - Keep Today's' or 'All - Keep one week'
- Release and deliver messages to the recipient mistakenly identified as spam by the IMF.
- Using the Whitelist Rule editor, create simple or complex whitelist rules to automatically release and deliver messages mistakenly identified as spam by the IMF.
- Create a Spam Digest for your users, listing all the emails caught by the IMF during the previous 24 hours and sent to them daily.
- Users can now view and release their own messages caught by the Exchange IMF with daily Spam Digest reports. (registered version only - 30 day trial version shows only the first message)
- Configure many parameters of the Whitelist service to tune for your specific messaging environment.
- Run a remote copy of the SmartIMF Manager on a workstation PC (registered version only) and perform all of the above tasks.
- SmartIMF Manager can now import whitelist addresses from IMFcompanion and from TXT/CSV files.
- NEW! Messages can be automatically expired by SCL Rating and age - So you can retain lower SCL rating messages longer without your UCEArchive folder growing too large.
- NEW! SmartIMF Manager interface has been improved to handle large volumes of spam in the UCEArchive folder (10,000+ messages)
- NEW! SmartIMF Manager can now filter the list of spam to show only messages addressed to valid Active Directory recipients.
- NEW! Users can now create whitelist rules with 2 clicks from email trapped in the spam archive.

Информация о программе:

Год выхода версии: 2011
ОС: Windows
Язык интерфейса: english
Лекарство: keygen
Размер файла: 2,83 mb


Категория: Программы | | Теги: бесплатно, mp3, скачать, SmartIMF, manager, музыка, N2Nets
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