Информация о Софте Название: ORPALIS GdPicture.NET Document Imaging SDK v8.5.0(En) Категория: Программы Разработчик: www.orpalis.com Год выпуска: 2011 Размер файла: 80,0 МБ Залито на: LetItBit.net | TurboBit.net | DepositFiles.com
О программе: GdPicture - инструментарий и набор продуктов для визуализации документов и приложений.GdPicture SDK является полнофункциональным инструментарием, позволяющим создавать, просматривать, редактировать, создавать и печатать изображения в приложениях. С его помощью можно просматривать, редактировать и преобразовывать векторные и растровые изображения в более чем 90 форматов: TIFF, GIF, JPEG, PNG, JBIG, JBIG2, WMF, BMP, WBMP, ICO, PDF, PDF/A, PCX, PNM, XPM, JPEG 2000, HDR, PSD, TGA, JNG, PICT, EXR, DDS, PPM, SGI, PBM, PGM, PFM, XBM, KOALA, IFF и RAW. Вы можете быстро и легко добавлять широкий спектр возможностей в ваши приложения, в том числе функции обработки изображения, оптического распознавания символов (OCR), 1D и 2D штрихкод распознавание, возможность конвертирования глубины цвета изображения; сжатие, отображение, печать изображений. Имеется возможность применять различные фильтры и эффекты для изображений, и их сканов с помощью TWAIN или WIA протоколов со сканеров, камер и карт захвата. Вы также можете использовать наборы инструмента GdPicture для: флипа, вращения и масштабирования изображений, количественного определения и сокращения цвета, устранения перекоса, кадрирования; осущетсвлять обрезку на изображении, наложение форм, штрих-коды и тексты, накладывать два изображения с помощью полуэффекта прозрачности.
Tens of thousands of software architects and developers worldwide are using GdPicture toolkit suite of products in their document imaging and document management applications. The secrets behind GdPicture toolkits success are : power, extensiveness and frequent, continous upgrades, which made it a worldwide best-seller product in its domain. GdPicture SDKs are fully-featured document imaging toolkits allowing you to acquire, create, view, edit, compose and print images within your applications. Use it to read, write and convert vector & raster images in more than 90 formats, including TIFF , GIF, JPEG, PNG, JBIG, JBIG2, WMF, BMP, WBMP, ICO, PDF, PDF/A, PCX, PNM, XPM, JPEG 2000, HDR, PSD, TGA, JNG, PICT, EXR, DDS, PPM, SGI, PBM, PGM, PFM, XBM, KOALA, IFF and RAW camera files. Using GdPicture Imaging Toolkits, you can quickly and easily add a wide range of features to your applications, including image processing functions, optical character recognition (OCR), 1D & 2D barcode recognition, the ability to convert the color depth of an image, image compression, image displaying, image printing, the ability to apply a variety of filters and effects to an image, and image scanning using the TWAIN or WIA protocol from scanners, cameras and capture cards. You can also use GdPicture Imaging Toolkits to: flip, rotate and resize an image, quantify and reduce the colors of an image, deskew, crop and trim an image, overlay shapes, barcodes and text within an image, overlay two images using a semi-transparency effect, get and set tiff, GPS, thumbnails and exif metadata, insert, delete, move and swap pages within multi--page tiff images, and adjust the colors of an image.
Toolkit Features
Can be used within Internet Explorer. See our online demo. Read, Edit and Write PDF documents from file or memory Stream. Add / Extract Bitmaps and Fonts from PDF files Add / Extract text for PDF files. DigiSign PDF documents Rasterize PDF pages to bitmap Merge / Split PDF documents. Read and Write XMP annotation for PDF and image files Make sophisticated annotations such as highlighted regions, free-hand, rubber stamps, sticky notes, connected lines, embedded images, polygons, text, etc Burn annotations on any document. Compatible with X-copy deployment. Full support for Unicode. Load/Save images in more than 90 formats. Load/Save images & PDFs on FTP & HTTP servers. Import/Export images from DIB, RAW, GDI+ Bitmap, HBitmap, HICON, IPicture, .NET Stream, String data, and Byte array data. Copy/Paste images from the clipboard. Create images from screen capture. Display Bitmap and Metafiles. Display PDF. Full featured Thumbnail Viewer Control is provided to generate & display thumbnails from folders, Bitmap, PDF, Multipage image... Full PDF Bookmarks & Hyperlinks support. Create highlighted regions within a document viewer. Mouse tools for document viewing include: Area selection, Pan, Page change, Zoom-in, and Zoom-out. Print Images & PDFs with complete control over the printing process and using a fully-featured printing dialog box. Manipulate multi-page TIFF images (insert, remove and swap pages). Manipulate animated GIF images (insert, remove and swap frames, set a frame delay & disposal method.). Convert an image from one bit-depth to another. Draw more than 30 different barcode types on an image, including 25i, EAN13, 3 of 9 and code 128 (view complete list). Perform OCR on a full page or on an area of a page, using the optional GdPicture Tesseract Plugin. Recognize more than 20 industrial 1D barcodes using the optional GdPicture 1D Barcode Recognition Plugin. Recognize 2D DataMatrix barcodes using the optional GdPicture DataMatrix Barcode Recognition Plugin. Recognize 2D QR-Code barcodes using the optional GdPicture QR-Code Barcode Recognition Plugin. Recognize Template and do Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) the optional GdPicture Forms Processing Plugin. Draw shapes such as lines, ellipses, circles, Beziers, curves and polygons. Draw text in a wide range of styles. Supports all TWAIN 2.1 & WIA features for image acquisition. Sophisticated Document Image Processing. Directly access bits of an image. Manage the color palette of an image. Quantize & reduce the colors of an image. Rotate, mirror & flip images. Rotate images by hundredths of a degree. Read and write Metadata such as EXIF tags, Thumbnail tags, GPS tags and IPTC tags. Create high-quality image thumbnails. Apply color mapping and ICC profiles to RGB and CMYK images. Automatically remove the borders of an image (auto border removal for bitonal & color image). Auto-Deskew an image. Punch Hole removal filter. Change the brightness, saturation, contrast, and gamma of an image. Apply filters and effects (emboss, blur, edge enhance, auto-contrast). Clean up an image (despeckle bitonal images, remove lines and noise, repair characters). Select a region of an image for processing (Region Of Interest). Merge and overlay images with full transparency support. Combine images using specific operators; And, Or, Xor, Min, Max, Abs, Multiply, Divide. Read, Write, Edit, Digisign PDF & PDF/A files with compression, shapes, text and encryption. Extract text from a PDF (full page content or the text within a specific area). Extract Bitmap from a PDF. Search PDFs for a given text string. Generate searchable PDFs with JBIG2 compression from scanners, images or existing PDF files. Perform automatic document recognition using GdPicture ADR™ Technology. Lot of samples are provided in C# and VB.NET. WPF sample included. A COM version is also provided, with visual basic 6, Delphi, MS-ACCESS & WEB samples.
О файле: Активация|рег код: Присутствует(CRD) Язык Интерфейса: English Формат файла: rar Платформа/ОС: WinALL