Digital Juice Fonts FULL Pack - Collection 1,2,3,4 - 9xDVD (2009)
В Digital Juice Fonts FULL Pack - включены все существующие коллекции (1,2,3,4) этого продукта! А также приложения Juicer 3 - для всех ОС Windows и MacOS, т.е. всё необходимое для полноценной работы даного пакета.
Название: Digital Juice Fonts FULL Pack - Collection 1,2,3,4 Разработчик: DigitalJuice Год выпуска: 2009 Язык Интерфейса: English Платформа/ОС: Windows All, MacOS Активация|рег код: присутствует (NEW KeyGen) Формат файла: Rar | ISO Кол-во: 9 DVD Размер файла: 27 Gb (+3% инф./восст.)
людей знакомы с основными шрифтами, поскольку они обычно
предустановлены на компьютере и доступны в таких программах как Word
или простой текстовый редактор. DJ Fonts это немного другое. Хотя в них
включены стандартные OpenType шрифты для каждой группы DJ Font Family,
сами по себе DJ Fonts не являются шрифтами в традиционном смысле. До
них нельзя добраться инструментами выбора шрифта, предусмотренными в
программном обеспечении как, например, в Word. Простыми словами DJ
Fonts – расположенные на слоях графические шрифты. Хотя их можно
модифицировать как свойства любого текста (размер шрифта, кернинг и
т.п.) в приложении Juicer, конечный результат будет графическим. Все
шрифты легко редактируются, выводятся в различных форматах для импорта
в другие графические программы. В большинстве случаев используется
для работы с Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, After
Effects, Sony Vegas, Apple Motion 3. В приложении Juicer - у вас под
рукой все настройки текста и шрифтов - эффекты, текстуры, размеры и
т.д. Вы сможете сохранить проект в форматы популярных графических
файлов (PNG, JPG, Targa, TIFF, BMP, Photoshop Merged PSD and Photoshop
Layered PSD), в альфа-канале (с прозрачностью) и использовать их в
презентациях, видео, анимации, печати, интернете или в графических
приложениях. Высокое разрешение каждого шрифта (2048 pixels) позволит
вам использовать их для печати наружной рекламы, постеров, а также
использовать в видеомонтаже HD проектов.
From DigitalJuice.com: Juicer 3.62b Build 103 / Released 11/02/2009: The
Juicer is a free media management and conversion utility that supports
all current Digital Juice products including all animation, sound
effects/music, film/video clips and still graphics. The Juicer lets you
browse, preview, search and sort the tens of thousands of clips that
make up the Digital Juice media library and then copies and converts
those files into formats that are compatible with your editing software.
- Collection 1: Digital
Juice Fonts, Collection One is the culmination of more than fifty
man-years of artistic and programming effort on the part of our Digital
Juice development teams. It is also the harbinger of a whole new level
of customization in the Digital Juice product arsenal. Each DJ Font
Family in this collection is the result of hundreds of hours of
painstaking detail work by our illustrators. This effort, in tandem
with the endless hours put in by our programming team has provided you
with a product more customizable, more powerful, more useful, and more
fun than any product we've ever released. Collection One in the DJ
Fonts product line contains 35 unique DJ Font Families, over 1300
ready-to-use Standard DJ Fonts, over 200 Font Textures, more than 20
Bitstream OpenType fonts, and an unlimited number of possibilites to
customize and make your own DJ Fonts.
- Collection 2: Digital
Juice Fonts, Collection Two takes off right where we left off in the
first collection with ten completely new font families and over 500 new
DJ Fonts. Collection Two has more than 60 new textures and each Font
Family has more layers to customize than ever before. That means more
options, more looks, and more fun. Each DJ Font Family in this
collection is the result of hundreds of hours of painstaking detail
work by our illustrators. This effort, in tandem with the endless hours
put in by our programming team has provided you with a product more
customizable, more powerful, more useful, and more fun than any product
we've ever released. Collection Two in the DJ Fonts product line
contains 10 unique DJ Font Families, over 400 ready-to-use DJ Standard
Fonts, over 60 Font Textures, and an unlimited stream of future font
customizations through our My DJ Font and Community DJ Font features.
- Collection 3: Digital
Juice Fonts, Collection Three takes off right where we left off in the
second collection with twelve completely new font families and over 500
new DJ Fonts. Collection Three has more than 100 new textures and
each Font Family has more layers to customize than ever before. That
means more options, more looks, and more fun. Each DJ Font Family in
this collection is the result of hundreds of hours of painstaking
detail work by our illustrators. This effort, in tandem with the
endless hours put in by our programming team has provided you with a
product more customizable, more powerful, more useful, and more fun
than any product we've ever released. Collection Three in the DJ
Fonts product line contains 12 unique DJ Font Families, over 500
ready-to-use DJ Standard Fonts, over 100 Font Textures, and an
unlimited stream of future font customizations through our My DJ Font
and Community DJ Font features.
- Collection 4: Digital
Juice Fonts, Collection Four takes off right where we left off in the
Third collection with ten completely new font families and over 500 new
DJ Fonts. Collection Four has more than 100 new textures and each
Font Family has more layers to customize than ever before. That means
more options, more looks, and more fun. Each DJ Font Family in this
collection is the result of hundreds of hours of painstaking detail
work by our illustrators. This effort, in tandem with the endless hours
put in by our programming team has provided you with a product more
customizable, more powerful, more useful, and more fun than any product
we've ever released. Collection Four in the DJ Fonts product line
contains 10 unique DJ Font Families, over 500 ready-to-use DJ Standard
Fonts, over 100 Font Textures, and an unlimited stream of future font
customizations through our My DJ Font and Community DJ Font features.
More Info: http://www.digitaljuice.com/products/products.asp?pid=862
You need DJ Juicer to install & render these fonts! Go to Homepage: http://www.digitaljuice.com/products/products.asp?pid=223 or See below in the section for download!
Install / Установка: 1. Unrar, burn or mount. 2. Use included keygen to generate your own serial for Juicer 3 installation. 3. Install fonts with the generated data. 4. Enjoy (optional).
Скачать Digital Juice Fonts FULL Pack - Collection 1,2,3,4 - 9xDVD:
Скачать с Vip-file.com 1
Скачать с Vip-file.com 2
Скачать с Letitbit.net 1
Скачать с Letitbit.net 2
Скачать с Depositfiles.com 1
Скачать с Depositfiles.com 2
Скачать с Depositfiles.com 3
Скачать с Depositfiles.com 4
Скачать DJ.Juicer-3:
Juicer 3.62b Build 103 + Juicer 3.5_(Older ver.) + NEW KeyGen (WinALL):
Скачать с Vip-file.com
Скачать с Letitbit.net
Скачать с Depositfiles.com 1
Скачать с Depositfiles.com 2
Скачать с Depositfiles.com 3
Juicer 3.62b Build 103 (MAC):
Скачать с Vip-file.com
Скачать с Letitbit.net
Скачать с Depositfiles.com
Juicer 3.62b Build 103 (MAC Snow Leopard):
Скачать с Vip-file.com
Скачать с Letitbit.net
Скачать с Depositfiles.com